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COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University



The best strategy was to drive community transmission to zero, and to keep it there, thus saving lives and achieving more open societies and economies by late 2020.This is likely to make for happier societies in 2021 and beyond.



We do not have a measure of general trust in others for our large sample of countries, so we make use
instead of a measure of the inequality of income distribution, which has often been found to be a robust predictor of the level of social trust


因为感兴趣,所以就搜集了一些资料。西方世界的研究较早(2005年时已有这样的结论和普遍的共识),而大陆在这方面的研究起步不晚,不过首次将这两者联系在一起系统分析的,似乎是2016年由申广军 、张川川撰写的《收入差距、社会分化与社会信任》(我所查到的结果,可能有疏忽)。在这篇论文中,作者们得出结论:

1) 大陆的信任程度在不断地恶化,无论是对亲戚、朋友、同事还是陌生人都如此(论文使用的数据仅截止到2010年前,不过,从最近的调查(2015年)公布的数据来看,信任度又有一些提高,不过也要注意到问卷的用词有些许的不同:“完全”与“绝大多数”);


2) 高收入和低收入人群的信任程度都不高,这一点跟西方国家不同,他们的高收入人群信任程度较高;

3) “不平等的收入分配使得低收入群体更容易认为自己社会地位较低,高收入群体也更容易认为自己社会地位较高,而认为 自己属于中间阶层的人数大幅减少,从而加剧了社会地位分化程度。由于社会地位较高和社会地位较低的群体都倾向于报告更低的社会信任,因而社会分化程度较高的社区更不容易培养社会信任。” 即收入差距促进了社会地位的分化,这种分化导致的就是信任程度的降低(减少了中间阶层的人数,这些人是信任程度较高的群体)。


Several of the 23 female heads of government have favoured making policy with overall well-being as the objective, making the suppression of community transmission an even more obvious choice for them. Countries that rank highly on a range of social features likely to support a virus suppression strategy are also more likely to have chosen a female leader. Having a female leader is associated with death rates lower by 19 per 100,000 population.


Trust was shown to be the key factor linking happiness and COVID-19. Of all the six factors supporting happiness, only trust played an equally strong role in helping countries to find and implement successful COVID-19 strategies. It was shown to be as important as ever in supporting happiness during the pandemic, and was found to be even more important when COVID-19 required the whole structure of private and public lives to be refocused on fighting the pandemic. Societies with higher trust in public institutions and greater income equality were shown to be more successful in fighting COVID-19, as measured by 2020 rates of COVID-19 deaths.


In addition to rapid and systematic government responses, citizens in East Asia (except for Japan) were generally more compliant with government mandates for mask-wearing, improving personal hygiene, and maintaining physical distance than citizens in the selected Western countries. We argue that certain cultural traits (defined in Hofstede’s model of national culture), such as being less individualistic, more long-term oriented, and less indulgent may help to explain the more self-regulated behavior and greater compliance with government policies in East Asia. However, these cultural tendencies alone are not indispensable for controlling the pandemic. The successes of Australia and New Zealand suggest that even in countries with more individualistic, short-term oriented, and more indulgent citizens, a responsible government still can implement very effective policies to contain the spread of COVID-19.


Yet beyond this lay public attitudes. The public in the North Atlantic region was less supportive of NPIs, less compliant with public policies, and more resistant to stringent control measures. We surmise that this resistance reflects two considerations: an excessive individualism at play in the North Atlantic societies and a poor level of scientific awareness, which increases the public’s susceptibility to fake news and undermines their readiness to comply with necessary control measures.


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Most studies generally find that those who are unemployed are 5 to 15 percent less satisfied with their lives than those who are employed. In the 2017 edition of this report, we found that unemployed workers are on average 0.6 points less satisfied than counterparts working full-time on a scale from 0-10. In high-income countries, this difference becomes even larger. In Western Europe and North America, full-time workers have been found to be 1.11 and 1.31 points more satisfied with their lives than those who are unemployed, respectively. Relative to other life circumstances, becoming unemployed is also less subject to well-being adaptation over time. Yet, importantly, the relationship between work and well-being extends beyond simply unemployment. Past research has documented strong negative impacts of underemployment, as well as labour market inactivity. In some analyses, the negative impact of working hour reductions and inactivity on life satisfaction is even larger than the negative impact of becoming unemployed.


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Sensing a workplace revolution, some companies have already decided to get rid of their offices entirely. However, this risks overlooking important potential negative impacts of homeworking full-time. This shift could undermine social and intellectual capital, which may harm companies and their employees in the long-term. In this context, social and intellectual capital can be visualised as stocks that are slowly being depleted when working mostly from home. These stocks are normally replenished by new in-flows of people, places, and ideas. For workers, social and intellectual capital is built by shared experiences with co-workers and unplanned social interactions that broaden one’s thinking. While past research has found some clear benefits in productivity for home workers, they also found that they are more likely to be overlooked for promotion—a clear indication of the need to build social capital with colleagues.

Moving forward, it will be important to maintain the benefits of working from home while still enabling employees and companies to build and sustain their social and intellectual capital. Throughout the pandemic, flexibility has become an even more important driver of workplace well-being than it already was. Even working at the office one or two days a week can provide people with the network, routine, and identity needed to support well-being. A flexible homeworking model that still affords employees opportunities to network, collaborate, and socialise in person could provide the necessary in-flows of social and intellectual capital and lead to large productivity dividends. These and other insights derived from applied well-being science can help societies build back better in the post-pandemic world.



It is extremely interesting to look at the correlation of death rates and losses to GDP. Across 79 countries, the correlation is positive and quite substantial (r = 0.38). In other words, countries that controlled the virus also avoided the economic losses which affected other countries.


Thanks for reading~


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